Spinster: "I put an advertisement for husband."
Friend: "Weren't there any replies?"
Spinster: "Yes, there were."
Friend: "Really? Then you can pick and choose one among them."
Spinster: "But there's a little problem. All the replies were this: Please, take my husband."
노처녀:" 남편을 구한다는 광고를 냈어."
친구: "회답이 좀 있었니?"
노처녀: "물론이지"
친구: "정말? 그럼 그 중에서 골라 선택하면 되겠네."
노처녀: "그런데 문제가 좀 있어. 회답 내용이 하나같이 '제발 내 남편 좀 데려가주세요'라는 거야."
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