A woman was so nervous in the dentist's chair that she'd clamp her mouth shut.
One day the dentist had his technician sneak up behind the woman and, when he was ready to drill, jab her in the seat with a pin.
She opened her mouth to holler and the dentist was able to finish his work.
When it was all over the dentist said, "Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?"
The woman said. "No, but I didn't expect to feel the pain so far down."
치과 의자에 앉기만 하면 너무 긴장한 나머지 입을 꾹 다물어버리는 여자가 있었다.
어느 날 치과의사는 보조사에게 여자 뒤에서 몰래 대기하고 있다가 드릴 치료를 시작할 때쯤 엉덩이를 핀으로 찌르라고 시켰다.
여자가 입을 벌리고 소리를 지른 덕에 의사는 치료를 마칠 수 있었다.
치료가 끝난 뒤 치과의사는 "치료를 받아보니 많이 아프지는 않았죠?"라고 물었다.
그러자 여자가 답했다. "네. 하지만 통증이 아래까지 밀려올 줄은 몰랐어요."
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