A wealthy man came home from a gambling trip and told his wife that he had lost their entire fortune and that they'd have to drastically alter their life-style. "If you'll just learn to cook," he said, "we can fire the chef." "Okay," she said. "And if you learn how to make love, we can fire the gardener." 어떤 부자가 도박 여행을 다녀와서는 마누라한테 전 재산을 몽땅 날렸으니 생활 방식을 뜯어 고쳐야 겠노라고 말했다. "자기가 요리를 배운다면 우리는 더 이상 요리사를 안 써도 될 텐데…" 그가 말하자 마누라는 "그래 좋아. 당신이 밤 일을 잘 한다면 나는 당장 정원사를 해고하겠어."
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