Churchill, who hated to get up early in the morning, was running for the Parliament. His opponent, who was an early riser, rebuked him in a debate. “A lazy man like Mr. Churchill is not worth a member of parliament” When Churchill was in his turn, he said, “Well, if you had a beautiful wife as I do, you would not be able to get up early!” 아침에 일찍 일어나기를 싫어하던 처칠이 국회의원에 출마했다. 아침에 일찍 일어나던 정적 후보는 토론회에서 “처질 같은 게으름뱅이는 국회의원이 될 자격이 없습니다”라고 비난했다. 처칠은 자신의 순서가 되자, “당신도 나처럼 예쁜 부인을 얻었다면 아침에 일찍 일어나지 못할 겁니다”라고 말했다.
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