A fellow was arrested for stealing from a news stand a copy of a fashion magazine featuring women's clothes. "Why did you do it?" he was asked at the police station. "I had to do it," he explained. "You see, I'm a pickpocket, and I have to know where the pockets are going to be in next year's clothes." 한 남자가 가판대에서 여성의류를 소개하는 패션잡지를 훔치다가 체포됐다. 경찰관이 물었다. "왜 그런 짓을 한 거야?" 그러자 남자가 말했다. "반드시 훔쳤어야만 했어요. 제 직업이 소매치기잖아요. 그러니 내년에 유행할 옷에 주머니가 어디 달렸는지 꼭 알아야 한단 말이에요."
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